Bespoke wellness consultants designing holistic strategies specifically for lawyers, in-house legal teams and support staff.
Our programs are able to capture the needs of each individual staff member, which can make a real, long-lasting and meaningful change for the company or in-house legal team.
The approach our Create Workplace Wellness program is that of a bespoke, long-term, holistic, sustainable and purposeful program that is inclusive so we can reach as many staff members as possible, using an individual consultation approach initially until they are able, comfortable and confident to attend group activities.
We specialise only in the legal industry as we have an understanding of the pressures and challenges legal teams face each day. Our goal is to reach as many staff members in legal teams as possible to help make practical and sustainable changes to how legal teams operate on a day to day basis, from a holistic perspective.
These programs focus on the individual initially so that they can gain some better health, then join any group activities or challenges the company may like their teams to undertake, when they feel ready and more confident.
Some reasons staff don’t participate in group sessions are below, as well as some things that we do that might assist with participation in a wellness program.
Create Workplace Wellness for Legal Teams is a service that is consultative, we will visit your workplace and experience your unique culture, discuss what your concerns are, what you would like to see in your workplace and what’s currently working.
You may already have a wellness program in place, we can complement that by providing a dedicated one-one service to those staff members you feel need support in their daily health and well-being, in a very holistic and inclusive way. Evidence shows us that we are not all made the same way, we don’t all respond to the same diets and fitness programs, and have different needs. The same goes for our workplace culture, all are different, they all have their own needs.
We will cover:
After our first consultation with staff, we will assess any issues and provide holistic strategies for weight management/nutrition, managing daily commitments, stress management and a personal fitness program they can do at home or take to their gym, or provide the necessary referrals. We will also set some manageable goals for the individual and consult monthly to assess how the program is working for the company, keep staff members accountable to their goals and adjust as necessary, providing support to keep everyone engaged in their personal programs.
We offer after-hours and flexible appointments to fit in with court deadlines and client meetings to take away any pressure of not meeting appointment times during the day.
We have access to a network of Allied Health Professionals to call upon whenever there is a recognised need for a referral.
Why choose us? Angie Hazell has 20 years experience in the legal industry from administration, HR, marketing and management, in medium sized full service firms, to top-tier national firms, as well as 13 years health and fitness industry knowledge and qualifications. Combining both passions and having an understanding of the needs of the industry is something that works well together to bring an approach that is more specialised and focussed only on lawyers, in-house legal teams and their support staff.