Why do you need a new approach to health, fitness and weight management?

We look at all of you, as a whole not as separate systems!

In today’s world we all seem to be suffering from burnout, stress, anxiety and difficulties maintaining a health diet and weight.

It’s seen to be simple, you just eat less, and exercise more bingo a plan to weightless and wellness.

But you need to look at things in a holistic manner, changing your lifestyle is a BIG thing and when you think about it, it’s really daunting, or perhaps exciting in the beginning with lots of high motivation.

When looking at changing a habit, or a whole lifestyle, you need to firstly look at you as a whole person, first of all understanding you and your current habits as well as any current health issues.  From there working out where you are in the change cycle, and if you have considered all the reasons why you need to change or what you would like to change. Working out how these changes match with your current lifestyle or what potential issues might come up when you are trying to make these changes is a really BIG thing.  Consider your family, how practically on a day to day basis will they incorporate into your new found exercise regime or eating plan, will you be cooking three different meals?  Will your partner be onboard with it in reality?  If you don’t nut out these issues early then it’s likely your plan for change isn’t going to be sustainable long term. Sure you could do something like this for a short time and you will see changes, but the likelihood of this being a long term plan is not generally going to stick.

The key to a good health and wellness long term plan, is actually good planning from the beginning.  It usually takes a little while to work out what your current issues are and you might need someone else to help you see them, what you actually need, how it will fit into your life, how will it affect the others in your household and can you incorporate it into their lives also? Goal setting is critical but they also need to be practical, achievable but most of all, consistent and long-term.

Knowing what food to eat and food that is actually practical within your lifestyle, what mindful exercises you need to do, what physical exercises you need to do, what you want to achieve, and just how to make it something long-term that actually fits into your life can be daunting.  It’s not a quick fix.

Things to try now:

  1. Consider your current health issues.
  2. Consider your current lifestyle.
  3. Consider how you think you could make some changes.
  4. What those changes might be.
  5. Look at those changes and select just one then set a short term goal of just a week, to see if you can achieve that goal.  It could be make my lunch each day instead of buying something, taking a walk at lunchtime, or not having that biscuit at 3pm instead, just eating an orange!  Keep it really simple.
  6. Review that week to see how many times you managed to achieve that task, consistently.

By doing this one task will let you see if you are ready to take action or if you are still contemplating change.


If you need help:

Create Health and Fitness offers you your own private Holistic Health & Fitness Consultant and Mental Health Coach who will focus on building a bespoke health and fitness strategy for your future health that is sustainable and based on mental wellbeing coaching methods to create consistent habits and motivation.