Categories Fitness, Group Fitness & Seniors Fitness, Personal Training, Timetables

Group Fitness Timetable

 Group Fitness Timetable – November 2018

This group fitness timetable is current at 9th November 2018

$12 p/p 10% discount if you book for 4 sessions at a time.  To book in text 0439 523 619, FB or Insta Messenger, or use the Contact Us form.

Northern Timetable (Butler, Mindarie, Alkimos, Quinns) 

Day  Time  Program 
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays  6.30 – 7.15 am  Walk, Jog, Move (moderate) This is a combination of walking, jogging intervals and interval strength training.  
Mondays, Saturdays  7.30 – 8.15 am   Seniors Walk, Stretch, Move (low intensity). Walking, stretching and functional exercises 
Mondays, Saturdays  8.30 – 9.15 am  All welcome – Walk, Run, Move (higher intensity, intervals of sprints and intense strength challenges to time) 
Mondays, Wednesdays  4.00 – 5.00 pm  Parents & Kids – Walk, Play, Move  – Partnered exercises and activities, on the move. Mums and dads can join in or walk and follow behind.

(Parent and child $12)  

Mondays, Wednesdays  5.30 – 6.00pm  All welcome – Walk, Jog, Move (moderate) This is a combination of walking, jogging intervals and interval strength training.  
All of these group sessions are continuously moving groups of varying intensities. We meet at a particular location in the suburb, we use the walking portion as our rest, 30-45 minutes each program gets you in and out quickly, keeps you moving so you don’t get a chance to get bored, it’s a “follow the leader” format.  Just bring a towel, hat and water and remember to put on sunscreen! Please contact 0439 523 619 or check FB/Website for exact location details as these will change so you get a change of scenery! 



Categories Exercise tips, Health Tips, Personal Training, Weightloss

Workout at Home!

Try this workout over easter when your personal trainer is taking a break or when you can’t get to the gym! This home workout should take you between 30-45 mins and should get your heart pumping.

1. Warm up – Workout_Warmup

2. Cardio section –  Workout_Cardio

3. Strength section – Workout_Strength

4. Cool down by doing step ups x 50 but slowly, not running.

5. Stretches – Workout_Stretch

Exercise should be part of your daily routine, so make it achievable.  If you can’t workout for an hour that’s ok, try breaking up your fitness routine with an after work jog, walk with the family, try an aerobics or Zumba class, swimming or enlist a personal trainer to help you.  Even a personal trainer once per week to keep you on track is better than none at all.

Angie Hazell is an experienced Perth personal trainer specialising in Women’s Fitness, Outdoor Personal Training and Family Fitness, servicing the perth metro area and surrounding suburbs including Mt Lawley, Mt Hawthorn, North Perth, Joondann, North Beach, City Beach, Subiaco, WA. Contact Us now for your FREE TRY OUT SESSION!

Categories Exercise tips, Health Tips, Personal Training

Are You Pregnant? Here are 8 Reasons Why You Need to Exercise!

Lets take a look at why pregnant women need to exercise.

What are the benefits of exercise during pregnancy?

Cardiovascular Fitness

Maintaining a level of fitness throughout the pregnancy so as to better cope with the needs of a new baby and to assist with the labour which is a physically demanding experience.  A fit and strong mum to be can endure the labour more easily.

Improvement of Muscular Tone and Strength

As we all know hormone changes affect women at all stages of life but also during pregnancy.  Particularly hormones affect muscular strength and tone which means saggy bums and legs ladies! Those squats, lunges and specific exercises can help to maintain tone in those trouble areas.  Strengthening these areas also assist to protect joints due to excessive elasticity in the muscles, ligaments and tendons during pregnancy hormonal fluctuations which can lead to injury.

Stress Reduction, Improvement of Well-being and Self Esteem

Fitness is a good way to take a break from the stresses of life.  During exercise you will be focussed on the exercises you are doing, having a little chat to your trainer who loves to listen, and your happy hormones are released! Feeling better about yourself is important as your body is changing is so important and strengthening up those areas that are becoming a little more ‘floppy’ and keeping your weight under control is all part of your workout.

Weight and Nausea Control

Some women report that a work out reduces their nausea symptoms, even as hard as it may be to exercise, they believe that exercise makes them feel better.  By being more active will help to keep your weight gain to a minimum and all ‘baby’.  Regular work outs will also give you some time to chat to your trainer about healthy choices, to help you resist any cravings for unhealthy foods that are not good for your baby, your skin or your weight control.

Reducing Back Pain and Improving Posture

Specific exercises and stretches will assist with maintaining good posture throughout your pregnancy and reducing back pain. Stretching regularly will help to reduce back pain so the addition of pregnancy yoga or pilates can also be very beneficial.

Promotion of Good Sleeping Patterns and Reducing Fatigue

Participating in regular fitness is very good in general lifestyles for promoting a better sleep pattern and reducing fatigue. However, in pregnancy this is especially true when there are many more factors leading to your fatigue such as carrying extra baby weight, hormones, worry, etc.

Prevention/Reduction of Fluid Retention and other Nasties

Regular exercise will also improve your circulation, will assist in preventing and reducing fluid retention, varicose veins and the dreaded haemorrhoids and constipation.  All very good and essential reasons to exercise during your pregnancy.

Returning to Exercise Postnatally

When your bundle is home and you are settled, a quick return to exercise is easier if you exercised during your pregnancy.  After the birth, a regular exercise programme will help to heal a traumatised uterine, abdominal and pelvic muscles and your muscle tone will return more speedily.  Those muscles, ligaments and tendons that have been weakened by hormones need to return to normal to prevent any injury to joints.

But one of the most important parts of postnatal exercise is the management of coping mechanisms of having a new life, exercising regularly is a large part of keeping post partum blues at bay.  Remember you can always bring your baby to your workout and trainers will adjust the workout to how you are feeling on the day so you can still exercise.  We understand the needs of new mums and will accommodate those.

There are always general and specific risks associated with pregnancy and you do need to consult with your doctor and a qualified personal trainer with specific knowledge in training for pregnancy prior to commencing an exercise programme.

Angie Hazell is an experienced personal trainer and looks after mum to be, new mums and women’s fitness in Perth, North Perth, Mt Lawley, Mt Hawthorn, Joondanna, Subiaco and surrounding suburbs. We offer a new mum programme and a free ‘try out’ session. Contact Us for more details.

Categories Blood pressure, Diabetes, Diet, Exercise tips, Health Tips, Personal Training, Weightloss

Isagenix Health & Fitness Plan Week 1! I’ve lost 3kg in 5 Days!

OK so I am a personal trainer, but even personal trainers can gain a little weight right?  Yes that’s me, i’m normal, I do eat nutritious food and am vegetarian but my work hours, late nights and stress have all contributed to this weight gain, lack of sleep and general feeling of being unwell all while trying to keep up and provide a good service to my clients.

Quick action is needed now or I won’t be able to continue cope with my Personal Training, running the business, my legal office work, my study load and my poor family does suffer I have to say, and perhaps others too!   Does this sound familiar to anyone?! oh and I’m getting older. YEY!

Enter, The Isagenix Programme

So Isagenix is about top quality nutrition, stress management and anti-ageing, brilliant, exactly what I need.

Well it’s week 1 of my Isagenix programme and I have to say I am really surprised. I am notoriously sceptical of these programmes but I really am pleasantly surprised.  The first thing that I noticed was fluid loss, the second thing which has really, really made a huge difference this week is sleep, and quality of sleep.  It is AMAZING.  I get up at 5am every morning and I don’t finish work until 8.30pm at least 3 nights per week. I have to say, I’m tired, usually, BUT this week I can’t believe how much better I feel. I actually feel awake and well, better than I have felt in ages.  My skin is better, and my eyes are clearer, already, in one week!

The rest I can show you in pictures.

I started on Tuesday with a health check at Chemmart in Mt Hawthorn, they were awesomely nice there, I generally do measurements and BMI for my own clients but they also do cholesterol and glucose tests right there, which I can’t do, which is so it’s so easy! I don’t get any kickbacks from Chemart by the way.  But it’s a great initiative. Had I done my own checks I may have just tried to deny my weight and BMI!

See the photos for my starting results. Apart from having already low cholesterol and on the money BP due to my own exercise and diet programme, my BMI was obviously not good, scary and my waist, definitely not where I usually am. Horrified actually for a trainer to have this waist measurement. I’ve obviously been in denial!

I am 170cms tall

On Tuesday My Waist was – 86cms (Bad)

My weight 72kg

Now see my results, bear in mind I started my programme on Tuesday!

I have an Isagenix 1/2 shake and a zucchini slice for brekkie (eggs and zucchini baked in the oven)

– An isagenix bar for lunch

– some nuts and fruits for snacks or 1/2 Shake with berries

– and then a nutritious and portion controlled dinner.

Not too hard is it?

Amazed actually, I’m beginning to think that this programme is really amazingly good!

The science behind these products has come from years and years of testing, with nobel prize winning scientists, they are obviously doing something right!

I have already come down 1.5 cms from my waist, lost 3kg since Tuesday and I measured this on Friday morning.   You can see the evidence from the pictures.  I’ve also been on crutches all week due to an ankle injury but hopping around on those is incidental exercise at its best!

I think the bit that I’m most excited about is that I have more energy and I can sleep. Sleep really does retain weight and fluid around your middle.

I’m off to hit the books again, as I have an assessment due for my Advanced Coaching, I’m hoping for an equally great post for next week!

If you are on any medication or have health conditions it’s best to get your doctor’s approval first before embarking on any change of lifestyle.

If you want more info on this system please see or feel free to ask me any questions.

Categories Blood pressure, Diabetes, Exercise tips, Health Tips, Nutrition, Obesity, Personal Training, Weightloss

Fed up of Fat? Feel Like You’re Ageing Fast? Need More Energy?…


As a Nutrition Student,  I don’t usually recommend anything other than fresh, real food and exercise, but having witnessed the life changing benefits first hand of a number of people, I would recommend these products to anyone. Better sleep, increased immune function, weightloss, lower blood pressure, lower diabetes risk, improved skin appearance and much, much more energy. These are just some of the benefits of the programme when followed correctly.  Of course, I couldn’t recommend any programme without exercise so with a minimum of a 30 minute brisk walk per day, it really is a programme that anyone can follow.  For added exercise, join one of our group training sessions, see our group timetable for sessions or personal training is another available option.

Isagenix products are extremely well researched, are produced from natural ingredients and most are gluten and lactose free.

Real results, I use these products everyday to be able to keep up with my 15 hour work and study days!

For more information see

Categories Building muscle, Fat burning zone, Female personal trainer, Fitness, Heart rate, personal trainer perth, personal training perth, Weightloss, Womens personal trainer, Womens personal training

Fitness, Building Muscle & Weightloss!

So after the holidays we all feel like our fitness has decreased and could do with a bit of weightloss.  If you are prepared to put in the effort, you will get the rewards! How?

Well all the basics but with a few extras.

1) Get yourself an empty journal and a basic heart rate monitor, you can get the basic ones relatively cheaply now from a Rebel Sports Store or somewhere similar. This is going to be really useful.

2) Measure your resting heart rate, time how many heart beats you have in 30 seconds then double it to get your resting heart rate.  This is going to be useful in tracking your fitness progression.

3) Take your age away from 220 to get a rough idea of your maximum heart rate. You want to be working consistently at 50-60% of your maximum heart rate to achieve a result, anything higher and you enter an anaerobic zone and at this point you don’t want to be there. Not at the start.

4) So start by walking and monitoring your HR via your monitor or by taking your HR after you have been walking for at least 10 minutes to make sure you are in the correct zone.  Continue your walk for a minimum of 45 minutes.  Preferably you will do your walk after dinner in the evening or both in the early morning and evening.  Make sure you are safe if you are walking after dark. NOTE:  if you increase your HR too quickly and go too hard too fast, you risk your changes of injury, fatigue and lactic acid build up which isn’t pleasant.

5) You also want to work on building muscle mass, so assuming you have a few weights at home try concentrating on the eccentric phase of your exercise, this means the part of the exercise that lengthens the muscle i.e. the lowering part of a bicep curl, so slow it right down, focus on the downward part of a step up, walking downstairs or a squat/lunge.  The eccentric phase has shown to be more efficient in building muscle. NOTE: remember that you also need to take in adequate proteins for building muscle but don’t get crazy and only eat protein, add in a protein shake every second day.

6) Weightloss, the fitter you are, the more energy burning units you have in your cells, the more efficient your body is at using the energy you are putting into it.  Essentially, feed your body only what it requires and with balanced nutrition.  See my Face Book Page for the latest nutritional chart. Follow the basic rules and you will be surprised with adding in more activity you will get a result.

7) Make sure you increase your workouts and walks by 5-10% each week, so work out your plans and stick to them.  Take note of your resting HR in your journal so you can see your progress, after a week start adding in some intervals. For interval training your HR should be up to 80% of your HR Max. So changing the intensity at regular or irregular intervals, run/walk, add in some lunges and squats, step ups and push ups at different parks around your walks.

8) Adequate rest, do make sure you have adequate rest days, at the beginning 3 days, then 2 days and at a minimum 1 day.  Your body does need rest or it is detrimental to your efforts and can cause you to have exhaustion and a decline in your fitness programme.  Take your resting HR again in a few weeks time to see how you have improved!

For more information on planning an exercise programme, please feel free to ask!

Contact Angie at Create Health and Fitness, personal trainer Perth, Mt Hawthorn, Mt Lawley, Joondanna, Subiaco, North Perth, North Beach and surrounding suburbs.

Categories Exercise tips, Gift Cards, Health Tips, Personal Training

Gift Cards for Personal Training

If you know someone who needs a bit of encouragement to exercise, why not buy them a Create Health & Fitness gift voucher for Christmas! We will send you a gift card and voucher for a $ value that you are comfortable with.  Even better, why don’t you join them for some support! Click here to contact us by Wednesday 21 December to make sure you receive your Card and Voucher in time for Christmas.

Categories Exercise tips, Health Tips, Obesity, Personal Training

Are you embarrassed to exercise with other people?

Are you holding back from exercising because you are worried about how you are going to look in fitness clothes?

Are you overweight and everything rolls and wobbles at every step and you can’t even think about jumping or running, there isn’t a bra in the world that can keep those babies under control!!??

Do you secretly crave to have a body that you don’t have to hide behind baggy clothes and do want to do something about it?

If this is how you feel, then this is a common feeling.  It is sweeping Australia and stopping men and women from exercising and leading a healthy life.  It is contributing to obesity and lifestyle diseases, which can be avoided with a consistent exercise and healthy eating regime.

To address the first few issues:


If you are overweight then you are more likely to feel ‘ok’ in a baggy t-shirt and leggings, this is fine, it hides all the wobbly bits and yes there are bras out there that cater for the larger woman exercising.  Have a look at Intimo, they have fabulous products. You can also add a crop top that you can get from any sports store for added support.  It is also a good idea to wear a tight singlet under your baggy t-shirt as it does ‘fly up’ when you are exercising this = embarrassment, not to the trainer or person you are exercising with but it can be for you.

Leggings need to be sports leggings or capris as the material is thicker and more supportive. The leggings you get at a fashion store are thin and you can generally see straight through them, bottoms up!  I would recommend Asquith of London exercise pants not only because we sell them but because they are super comfortable, breathable, stylish and definitely not see through.

So clothing is sorted, no need to be embarrassed about this anymore.


If you are feeling a bit embarrassed about your fitness level then personal training is your way forward, at least for 6 weeks to get your fitness to a level where you can cope with a group environment, you have built some muscle tone and lost some weight.  6-12 weeks is an ideal time to introduce yourself to fitness and feel confident.  2 personal training sessions per week plus a planned timetable of activity and diet advice will get you well and truly on your way to a healthier lifestyle.   After your initial personal training block, then you are ready to join a group if you wish or split the two.

So, if you are thinking ‘OMG It’ll be like I’m on the Biggest Loser’, well, not exactly.  The Biggest Loser is not exactly real life, however, your training isn’t going to be easy either.  BUT the main thing about personal training is that it is ‘personal’, tailored to you and you only.  This means that you choose where you want to train and when you want to train, so if you want to exercise indoors initially, away from sight, then you can.  If you don’t mind being outdoors then we train somewhere close to your home or work.  So you don’t need to deal with other people looking at you, as this can be quite an ordeal for the new, self conscious, exerciser. We will push you, but not to the point of it being dangerous for you.


Some people joke around about their weight or body size with their friends as if they don’t care, but sometimes they are secretly very sad because they are not feeling well, don’t feel confident about themselves and fall into the awful place of feeling as if they aren’t worth being slimmer (and I don’t mean super skinny, I mean curvy healthy), or it will never happen. It can be of great sadness to some people that they don’t look the way they did a few years ago and can’t see a way out. Well, fear not, we are here to help, we listen, care and really want you to succeed if you do want to have a healthier lifestyle and hotter bod! Along with your personal training you will get a coach who helps you along with way.  We will show you how to eat properly, how to lose some kilos and how to tone those muscles.

But there are some things you can do without a personal trainer and indoors, Wii games are fabulous for fitness and getting moving, walking up and down your stairs at home or put in a fitness dvd but do choose one to suit your fitness level.  They are all things you can do out of sight of others.

You will be enjoying a healthier life in no time!

For more information or to book a consultation please contact Angie Hazell, Personal Trainer of Create Health & Fitness, servicing Perth City and surrounding suburbs, Mt Hawthorn, Mt Lawley, Joondanna, Subiaco and North Perth.

Categories Health Tips, Personal Training

Feeling Sleepy at Work?!

About 1 in 1o people suffer from sleepless nights, you wake up feeling like you didn’t actually sleep at all. Sometimes you can get to sleep but constantly wake up during the night or can’t get to sleep at all. If insomnia lasts for only a few nights, it is not as detrimental, however, if you suffer from long term, chronic insomnia it can be very detrimental to your health causing you to lose productivity and focus, you feel like you can’t carry out your usual tasks at work, makes you more likely to put on weight or to become unhealthy in your eating habits. It could also lead to serious mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.

If you believe you or your partner suspect that you may have sleep apnea, you need to see a professional right away.  Sleep apnea is a condition whereby you stop breathing for what can be as long as two minutes, and the level of oxygen in your blood will drop which causes oxygen deprivation.  However, at this point a reflex kicks in and causes you to gasp for air thankfully. The problem is that this can wake you up up to 200 times per night, it’s no wonder you get tired if you have this condition waking up so many times during the night, although you are likely to not remember each time.

So a few tips to getting a better nights sleep:

1. learning meditation and breathing techniques or doing regular yoga can assist you if you are anxious and help to keep worries at bay;

2. listening to calming music as you fall asleep, download an app there are loads of free apps to choose from;

3. regular exercise of course, this can be anything from walking daily or taking an outdoor fitness class (why outdoors? to balance essential melatonin and Vitamin D, melatonin is the hormone that helps us sleep and wake up), swimming or a daily jog;

4. exercise must be more than two hours prior to when you usually go to bed, if you can exercise around lunch time that is a perfect time to promote sound sleeping, a lot of workplaces are taking up personal training for their staff members which really assists with the afternoon slump and productivity!;

5. wake up at a regular time each day, even if you have only had 3 hours sleep;

6. if you are not sleepy but are in bed, get out of bed and go into another room until you feel sleepy again, but don’t switch on your laptop!;

7. avoid eating a heavy evening meal containing bacon, cheese, chocolate, eggplant, ham, potatoes, sugar, sausage, spinach, tomatoes or wine late in the evening as they contain norepinephrine which is a brain stimulant, or heavy meals in general in the evening, you just don’t need them, eat more early in the day to give you sustained energy to complete the tasks you need to;

8. you can eat bananas, dates, figs, milk, tuna, wholegrain crackers and yogurts which are all high in tryptophan which promotes sleep;

9. eating 1/2 a grapefruit before bed also helps you sleep.

So, we all know the basics but do we do them?

If you need help with sleep and seem to be stuck in a rut, find a local outdoor fitness group or better still, engage a personal trainer just once a week to help you set a routine you can fit into your lifestyle.  Seeing a personal trainer even once per week can be enough to establish a proper routine and give you the motivation to bring more balance into your fitness routine.

The comments here are not intended to be medical advice. If you suspect you have a medical condition please seek medical assistance from your GP.

Create Health & Fitness Personal Trainers are now also operating in Joondalup and the surrounding areas, as well as Perth City and Surrounding Suburbs.  If you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Categories Personal Training, Yoga

*NEW CLASS – Semi-Private Yoga Therapy*

Yoga Therapy – “Unlocking the hidden Vitality” – Joondalup Course Starts Wednesday 17th @ 5:30pm 

4 week course with a therapeutic intention to restore balance, increase vitality, and improve attitude. Yoga techniques and practices to help individuals facing health challenges at any level. It can help prevent and aid recovery from physical and mental ailments. Transforming both the body and the mind. Yoga therapy adapts the practice of Yoga to the needs of people with specific or persistent health problems not usually addressed in a group class.

Numbers are limited to 5

Booking essential* – 5.30pm Joondalup – bring a mat and or large bath towel & water

Book Now!

*The 4-week costs $80 and is to be paid in advance, no refunds for cancellations.