Categories Health Tips, Mental wellness, Uncategorized, Weightloss

Why do you need a new approach to health, fitness and weight management?

We look at all of you, as a whole not as separate systems!

In today’s world we all seem to be suffering from burnout, stress, anxiety and difficulties maintaining a health diet and weight.

It’s seen to be simple, you just eat less, and exercise more bingo a plan to weightless and wellness.

But you need to look at things in a holistic manner, changing your lifestyle is a BIG thing and when you think about it, it’s really daunting, or perhaps exciting in the beginning with lots of high motivation.

When looking at changing a habit, or a whole lifestyle, you need to firstly look at you as a whole person, first of all understanding you and your current habits as well as any current health issues.  From there working out where you are in the change cycle, and if you have considered all the reasons why you need to change or what you would like to change. Working out how these changes match with your current lifestyle or what potential issues might come up when you are trying to make these changes is a really BIG thing.  Consider your family, how practically on a day to day basis will they incorporate into your new found exercise regime or eating plan, will you be cooking three different meals?  Will your partner be onboard with it in reality?  If you don’t nut out these issues early then it’s likely your plan for change isn’t going to be sustainable long term. Sure you could do something like this for a short time and you will see changes, but the likelihood of this being a long term plan is not generally going to stick.

The key to a good health and wellness long term plan, is actually good planning from the beginning.  It usually takes a little while to work out what your current issues are and you might need someone else to help you see them, what you actually need, how it will fit into your life, how will it affect the others in your household and can you incorporate it into their lives also? Goal setting is critical but they also need to be practical, achievable but most of all, consistent and long-term.

Knowing what food to eat and food that is actually practical within your lifestyle, what mindful exercises you need to do, what physical exercises you need to do, what you want to achieve, and just how to make it something long-term that actually fits into your life can be daunting.  It’s not a quick fix.

Things to try now:

  1. Consider your current health issues.
  2. Consider your current lifestyle.
  3. Consider how you think you could make some changes.
  4. What those changes might be.
  5. Look at those changes and select just one then set a short term goal of just a week, to see if you can achieve that goal.  It could be make my lunch each day instead of buying something, taking a walk at lunchtime, or not having that biscuit at 3pm instead, just eating an orange!  Keep it really simple.
  6. Review that week to see how many times you managed to achieve that task, consistently.

By doing this one task will let you see if you are ready to take action or if you are still contemplating change.


If you need help:

Create Health and Fitness offers you your own private Holistic Health & Fitness Consultant and Mental Health Coach who will focus on building a bespoke health and fitness strategy for your future health that is sustainable and based on mental wellbeing coaching methods to create consistent habits and motivation.

Categories Health, Holistic health and fitness, Uncategorized, Workplace Wellness for Legal Teams

Improving your legal team’s wellbeing by just listening…..

I think the answer to this question is, of course, as a first step!

Active listening

Whether you already have a wellness program in place or are thinking of one, listening to your team is the first most important step, how they see their current environment at the office, what do they feel they need personally to make coming to work a really positive part of their life?

You do need to listen to everyone, not only the ones who are already interested in this area.  It’s usually the ones who most need help that remain silent, or hide from any corporate fitness activities for fear of being judged in some way.  Really look for signs of staff members who are struggling with the day to day emotional stress of having to perform, having multiple deadlines to meet, and client expectations to manage.  Not only that, they may also be juggling home and family commitments that’s also causing some stress which is leading to lower quality work output and poor overall general health.

Environment and influenced behaviours 

The environment we live and work in creates certain behaviours, and the people around us influence how we live.  What if we can, through our workplaces, provide more in-depth wellness programs that can then influence how employees live their lives by encouraging healthy habits and reducing stress, individually.  Programs that really get beneath the surface?

Changes one individual makes, can inspire the people around them.

The bigger picture strategy

I know this is a big picture, long-term strategy of influence, but in the current health climate of obesity and childhood obesity, mental and emotional health issues, diabetes, and chronic illness, it should be something we need to really consider, how to reach the masses and make a community change.  Can businesses help to change our communities’ beliefs around health by subtly changing work environments?  Our health systems are under so much pressure from diseases that are preventable by a few changes, if we could only reach more people to encourage them to make small changes.   I believe that businesses and companies can definitely help to make an impact on a large scale, with the right programs.  With so many people spending large amounts of time working, it seems like a good place to start.

Look, listen and feel what your teams are in need of, and then craft a plan that can bring about meaningful, lasting change, for both company and team.

The warm and fuzzies

Staff do like to feel like they are integral to the team and appreciated for their efforts.  A one-one initial approach is likely to give your staff the feeling of being appreciated and supported.  They might want to have a health and fitness consultant themselves privately or a personal trainer, nutritionist or health coach on their side at all times, but won’t necessarily seek that service out for themselves because they don’t have time after work, can’t fit it in, or its just not a priority in the budget.  Provide the time during the day for consultation, and it might just help to keep staff accountable to their diet, exercise and emotional support plans.

A bespoke wellness program, or one that complements a current one

If you need help with getting more out of your current program, or in creating a holistic and sustainable strategy that will really bring about changes to your legal teams, see our Create Workplace Wellness Program, specifically designed for Law firms, in-house legal teams and their support staff.  Our Health and Fitness Consultants provide a one-one bespoke service so contact us for chat to see what we can assist your teams with.

Why choose us? Angie Hazell has 20 years experience in the legal industry from administration, HR, marketing and management, in medium sized full service firms, to top-tier national firms, as well as 13 years health and fitness industry knowledge and qualifications.  Combining both passions and having an understanding of the needs of the industry is something that works well together to bring an approach that is more specialised and focussed only on lawyers, in-house legal teams and their support staff.

Categories Fitness, Health, Health Tips, personal trainer perth, Personal Training, Uncategorized, Womens personal training

Jindalee Beach Event Saturday 10 November 2018

Come along and say hi at our free event this Saturday at Jindalee Beach, contact us to book in or for more information.

The timetable for this event is below or just drop in and say hi and get a quick personal training session for free!

  • 10am to 11am – come along to our stretch and strength session, ideal for beginners and seniors looking to see what exercise is all about, or if you’ve trained all week and are looking to lengthen out those muscles.
  • 11 to 11.15 – free for chats and personal training
  • 11.15 to 12.15pm – If you are looking for some advice on weight loss and how to eat more healthily then this is a good time to come along.  Feel free to share your stories and ask questions.  You’ll receive a free mealtime options sheet.
  • 12.30 to 1.20pm – Parents & Kids time together making healthy snacks, making them on the day and taking some home, we will also have a chat about lunch box snacks and dinner time meals.
  • 1.45 to 3.00pm – Parents & Kids partnered fun exercises you can do together to keep you and you’re family active and healthy.  Let the kids know that daily exercise is part of your lives, just like brushing your teeth! but funner!

If you’d like to do a PT session, just come along between 10am and 3pm and say hi! It’s all free!

The location is Jindalee Beach, to the left of the Jindalee Beach Shack.  I’m the one in the tent!

Hope to see you there, call or text on 0439 523 619 or send an email to, send me an email via the page, or via Facebook CreateHF, insta create_health_fitness.